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Target Market Determination for Travel Insurance

Current TMD

Issued 12th February 2022

Current PDS

Issued 12th February 2022

TMD Archive

Date Target Market Determination Applicable PDS

12th February 2022 - todays date



9th August 2021 - 11th February 2022



What is a Target Market Determination?

A Target Market Determination (TMD), provides a detailed description of which travellers the product may be suitable for and who the product is not designed for. The description is based on the travellers likely needs, objectives, and their financial situation.

The Target Market Determination does not replace the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and you should read the PDS before deciding on this product.

Things you need to know

^ Price as at 20/03/2024 compared to the price calculated today for this policy.

* See Product Disclosure Statement for full terms and conditions and exclusions and limits that apply.