A Choose Your Own Adventure Holiday in Fiji

Fiji reminds me of those 'Choose Your Own Adventure' novels I read as a kid.

A Choose Your Own Adventure Holiday in Fiji

Fiji reminds me of those 'Choose Your Own Adventure' novels I read as a kid.

Each decision you make about your time in Fiji will send you down a completely different path, providing you with a very different experience.

The most common path will find you climbing aboard the resort transfer bus at the airport and driving into the resort for a week of relaxation, pampering, amazing food, cocktails, endless lazy days by the pool and then have the bus drop you back at the airport.

You can do this on numerous islands with a short boat transfer or you can do it on any one of the many more remote islands.

Beautiful sunset wedding on Fiji beach

If you’re after an alternative approach, you can make a different decision and find yourself on a different adventure.

Maybe sailing around some of the 333 islands, island hopping on ferry services, doing a road trip around the main island or mixing up your resort experience by doing day trips from your resort.

Whatever your adventure, you’ll most likely find yourself arriving in Nadi (pronounced Nandi) on the west coast of the country. 

Nadi is a little confused as it’s kind of a city, kind of a tourist service town, kind of hub for business.

Nadi International Airport is located 9km from Nadi Town and can be easily accessed by taxi, local bus and hotel transfer buses.

You can avoid Nadi and head straight to your resort, but I’d say drop in for at least an hour or so, even if it’s just to stock up on supplies for the week and save some money as it’s far different to what you’re going to experience for the rest of your time in Fiji.

Beautiful relaxing white sandy beach in Fiji resort

My recent visit to Fiji was with a large group of friends for a wedding, most of who are new overseas travellers.

The most memorable moment for me was not what I did, but my new to overseas travel friends recalling their most memorable moments.

The top 3 were dining on the most exquisite meal of mud crab in a local restaurant, visiting a village by jet boat and mixing it with the locals at the Fiji Rugby Union final.

Fiji and its amazingly friendly locals certainly has the options to tell you a story if you choose to experience it.

Traditional house accommodation in Fiji island resort

You could try diving on the Beqa Islands which has over 100 accessible dive sites with seahorses, ghost pipefish and blue ribbon eels, not to mention the memorising coral or the option to dive with sharks without a cage. For the less adventurous, snorkelling is still a great option.

Village visits are a great option for day trips, see how the locals live, participate in a kava ceremony or share a local meal.

Make a full day of it and combine your village visit with a river cruise, a jungle walk, visit to a waterfall and swimming hole or traditional firewalking.

These days out are a great experience for all ages and especially for kids who really do have an adventure.

Remember to make sure the activities you do are covered by travel insurance.

Friendly locals singing and playing guitar at Fiji island beach wedding

If you’re planning to visit a village, respect their customs and traditions and leave your hat and sunglasses behind or put them in your bag as you shouldn’t wear anything above your shoulders – it’s considered disrespectful to the village chief.

Get into the spirit and the culture and wear a sarong - yes, that includes the men.

For other options, you can play golf on quality courses, slide down sand dunes, immerse yourself in the fascinating history of the country, lather yourself in volcanic mud and have a natural hot spring bath.

Fijian born Indians make up 37% of the population so make sure you treat yourself to some of the local Indian cuisine.

Remember not to fill up your days too much, you will need some time to lay on beautiful beaches in perfect weather.

Beautiful sunset on Fiji island beach with palm trees

Only you can choose your own Fiji adventure, there’s no right or wrong way, my suggestion is you make some choices along the way that will make it an adventure you’ll remember.



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Fast Cover - Craig

About the author

Craig is the reason Fast Cover is orange in a sea of insurance blue. A marketing executive with years of experience in the retail and health sectors, he uses his extensive knowledge of data analytics to help improve the customer experience and support Fast Cover’s mission in making travel insurance faster and simpler than ever.

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