How To Come Over The Post-Travel Blues? | Fast Cover

How To Come Over The Post-Travel Blues?

Learn how to diagnose and kick those post-travel blues!

How To Come Over The Post-Travel Blues?

So, you’ve just returned home from an amazing holiday and you're starting to feel the travel buzz slipping away.

You begin to feel inexplicably sad as you realise your holiday is officially over and you'll soon be expected to return to 'normal' life again.

Perhaps you've assured friends and relatives you missed them so much on your trip but secretly would ditch them again in a heartbeat?

It sounds like you’ve got a bad case of the Post-Travel Blues!

Read on to spot the early warning signs and learn how to kick those post-holiday blues!

What are Post-Travel Blues (PTB)?

Measuring on the "Pain And Sadness Scale" somewhere between:

  • Remembering it's Sunday night and you have to work tomorrow, and;
  • Finishing a great TV series and realising you now have to wait another year for the next season

Returning to normal everyday life at home after the thrill of travelling can leave you feeling down and out.

At Fast Cover we characterise PTB by a feeling of sadness about being home, mixed with cravings of being somewhere/anywhere else.

If you’ve been feeling like this for a couple of days or weeks now, you may have accepted this state of being as your new life.

But don’t worry! There are ways to manage PTB.

You can live an (almost) completely normal life once you understand how to treat your Post-Travel Blues!

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Who suffers from PTB?

Here at Fast Cover, we haven’t heard of anyone being immune to PTB.

Everyone, from young children to centenarians, are at risk once they’ve been on a trip, whether they’ve travelled domestically within Australia or internationally overseas.

What is the cause of PTB?

We’re not doctors, but we suspect there’s some underlying biological pathway in the human brain which is activated by going on holiday and can’t be simply deactivated. If left untreated, this then leads to PTB.

Anyone can get hooked on the leisurely pace or excitement and adventure of a holiday. Adjusting back to the daily routine can be difficult and travellers may find they even subconsciously reject ‘normal’ activities such as work, cleaning and returning phone calls. 

What are the triggers of PTB?

It’s perfectly normal for your PTB to be triggered by a range of seemingly harmless, everyday activities.

These can include:

  • Hearing or seeing an airplane.
  • Waking up to your alarm.
  • Hearing a school bell.
  • Any household chores.
  • Seeing a Hawaiian floral shirt or a cocktail with an umbrella in it.

What are the symptoms of PTB?

Everyone’s experience will be slightly different, but if you recognise some of the following symptoms in yourself or a friend, you may be looking at a case of PTB:

  • A new habit of daytime napping.
  • Expressing a strong desire for buffet breakfasts.
  • A tendency to wear loose harem pants.
  • An insatiable appetite for exotic food.
  • Interjecting or starting most conversations with “that reminds me of when I was in…”
  • Buying tiny cocktail umbrellas or twisty straws to put into your drinks.
  • Gazing longingly out of the nearest window.

If you recognise any of the above symptoms in yourself or a loved one, please read on for our tips to help manage the symptoms.

Fast Cover’s tips to help manage your PTB

You don’t have to go completely cold turkey from travel to get over your PTB. It’s far healthier to wind down slowly by managing the symptoms.

Here are a few of our tips to help cope with your PTB symptoms:


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1) Ease yourself back to normality!

Jumping straight back into your work routine from being on holiday can be quite a shock to the system. Flying in Sunday night to be up early for work on Monday morning may not be the best idea.

Try to ease yourself gently back into your old routine. A few days of rest before returning to work will give you time to see friends, tackle laundry and come to terms with the absence of room service.

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2) Be a tourist in your own town!

There’s no reason you can’t be a tourist in your own neighbourhood!

Some of the activities you could do include:

  • Trying out a new local restaurant or bar.
  • Taking a day trip or weekend getaway to a town an hour or two away.
  • Visiting local museums and art galleries.
  • Taking long walks on the beach or exploring walking trails in your area.
  • Putting a little chocolate on your pillow each night.
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3) Become a travel resource!

It's not uncommon to want to share your new travel experiences with anyone who’ll listen!

By all means tell your friends and family about your trip. They’re obliged to listen at least once right?

But if your loved one's eyes are starting to glaze over at the mention of your destination, there's a few other places where your newfound knowledge will still be appreciated:

  • Jump online and join the conversation on travel blogs and forums.
  • Connect with other travellers and leave your advice and reviews on TripAdvisor.
  • Start your own blog or submit your stories as guest posts for community travel blogs.
  • Email it to us! We’d love to read about your adventures!
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4) Recreate travel memories!

Why not bring a few aspects from another culture into your home?

You could try:

  • Cooking some of the dishes you enjoyed overseas.
  • Researching more about the history and culture of your destination.
  • Learning a new craft or skill you saw while on holidays.
  • Redecorating a room or space in your house in the theme of your travel destination.
  • Learning a language online or attending a class!
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5) Get creative with souvenirs!

There's plenty of ways to turn your photos and journal entries into a creative project.

  • Make a digital scrapbook.
  • Create a Spotify playlist of songs that remind you of the trip.
  • Draw or paint one of your favourite trip memories.
  • Have one of your holiday photographs printed on a canvas to hang on your wall.
  • Or have your favourite snaps turned into coasters, fridge magnets or a coffee mug to enjoy every day!

Is there a cure for PTB?

There is only one known cure for PTB... Go on another holiday!

1) Dream BIG!

Turn those post-travel blues into pre-travel anticipation!

Whether you have a set date for your next trip or not, you can start planning straight away!

Where do you want to go next? A cruise? Backpacking in Southeast Asia? To the Olympics? Our travel suitcase and help you to find your next destination.

Once you’ve booked in your next adventure, get a travel insurance quote from Fast Cover. Remember, repeat travellers can get a discount on their travel insurance with us!

We’re all travellers ourselves and want to make preparing for your next trip as simple as possible!

2) Start saving!

Nothing brings you back to reality like realising you’ve spent all your money travelling!

Start saving again. It helps to think of every dollar you don't spend as a dollar closer to your next trip. What could you get for $20 or $100 in your next destination of choice?

3) Research your next trip!

Saving and research go hand in hand! Every trip takes planning, so start googling your dream holiday today and find travel hacks for your next holiday.

Reading about other traveller's adventures and travel itineraries is also a great way to get inspired.

Check out the Fast Cover Travel Suitcase for some new ideas and sign up to the newsletter for regular inspiration and hot offers. 



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Fast Cover - Laura

About the author

Laura is a content writer at Fast Cover. Fuelled by a passion for adventure travel and inspired to learn more about the world, she specialises in writing about travel insurance and health topics which are published across numerous travel forums and websites.

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